




德骏资本设立于中国上海,专业从事股权投资基金及多策略量化对冲基金的资产管理业务。DJ Capital was established in Shanghai China; and it specializes in the asset management of equity investment and multi-strategy quant hedge fund. 团队是德骏资本的核心竞争力。德骏资本的合伙人及团队成员均具有海内外精英教育、工作背景和持续超过20年的金融业管理和投资经验。The team at DJ Capital demonstrates its core competitive edge. The partners and team members are all elites with overseas educational and professional background; and all of them have more than 20 years of experience in the financial management and investment area. 秉承“稳健持续、穿越牛熊”的投资理念,德骏资本有信心为各位投资人带来安心愉悦的投资体验。Adhering to the investment philosophy of ‘steady growth through bull & bear markets’, DJ Capital was confident to bring a pleasant investment experience to all the investors. 德骏资本以“持续增值,策略多样”为投资理念,通过前瞻性地分析并运用严谨的多元化估值方法来发现合适的投资标的,实现管理资产的持续高复合成长。The philosophy of DJ Capital is ‘Consistent Growth & Diversified Strategy’. We discover suitable investment targets through proactive analysis and prudent evaluation methods, to realize the consistent and complex growth of our assets. 德骏资本的核心团队具有在国内外金融机构从事高层管理的丰富经历,熟悉境内外一级、二级资本市场,可以实质性协助投资人提高资本管理水平,甚至进行国际化拓展。The core team was staffed with personnel who have extensive experience in various financial institutions both domestic and abroad, familiar with the primary and secondary market both onshore and offshore. These attributes enable us to assist our investors in a better management of the capital and this would extend to future exploration into the international capital market.2.png德骏资本旗下的德骏资产管理通过股权投资进入合作企业后,将在机制调整、战略梳理、管理提升、财务优化、行业整合、国际拓展等方面基于企业需求提供增值服务。通过这样的努力,德骏资产管理协助企业建立和强化行业领先地位,在企业快速成长和发展的基础上为投资人获取投资回报。Through equity investment into the target company, DJ Asset Management (under DJ Capital) provides value added service in various areas, including strategic planning, management enhancement, financial optimization, industry integration and exploration into offshore market, etc. On one hand, this helps the company to establish or strengthen its leading position in the industry; on the other hand, it also helps the investors to receive better return on their investment through the fast growth of the company. blob.png德骏资本旗下的德骏量化对冲以绝对收益为主要投资逻辑,策略包括期指套利,统计套利、期权套利、分级基金和ETF套利、固定收益、量化对冲和高频交易。作为一个多策略的高科技对冲基金团队,收益不受限于市场的周期性。无论经济大环境的是好是坏,德骏量化对冲都掌握投资的主动权,可以灵活进行资产配置,捕捉机会。无论何种外部条件下,都能为高净值客户创造持续而稳定的收益。DJ Quant Hedge Fund (under DJ Capital) adheres to absolute return as its focusing investment logic; its strategy includes index arbitrage, statistic arbitrage, options arbitrage, tiered fund & ETF arbitrage, fixed return, quant hedging and high-frequency trading. As a high-tech hedge fund team with diversified strategy, our return is not affected by the market cycle. We are able to achieve sustainable and stable return for our high net-worth individual & institutional clients with our flexible asset deployment strategy.
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